When your student is fully enrolled with Harrington Elementary, there are several portals and links that you will need to create a login for. In addition to the required portals, the district and school provide news and updates on a few other platforms which we've listed here. 


Platform Description Link
ASPEN This is your student's record for grades and where you can see your student's teacher assignment when it's posted. When bus registration is open, you will find the link in ASPEN.  https://ma-lexington.myfollett.com/aspen-login
SNAP Health This web-based system provides an easy, secure, and green way to update and review important school health information and medical documents throughout the year. https://www.studentehr.com/login
MySchoolBucks This platform allows you to add and monitor funds for your student's meals, bus pass, and other expenses. 
Note: Massachusetts offers free breakfast and lunch to all students. These funds are for extras beyond the provided meals. 
ParentSquare All news updates from the district, principal, and some teachers will be shared here. You can receive alerts via email, phone app, and/or web app.  https://www.parentsquare.com/signin 
FD Meal Planner See what's available for breakfast and lunch https://www.fdmealplanner.com/#lexington
Bus Registration Register your student for their annual bus route.  https://www.lexingtonma.org/transportation


In addition to these portals, there are some public websites that have helpful details. 


Harrington School Website Any contact information needed and standard policies can be found on the school's primary website.


Superintendent's Page Here you'll find links to annual reports, action plans, and more.
